
Está quase concluido o meu alfabeto. Faltam letras V, W, X e Z. Alguma sugestão para X? Pelos vistos crianças ingleses têm de aprender cedo que existe peixe chamado Xray. Não faço ideia que peixe é este. Ajudem por favor encontrar um animal mais comum que peixinho X. 

My Alphabet project is coming to be finished. Letters V, W, X e Z to be drawn. I accept any suggestion for X (I found only one option for this - Xray fish. ???

Я почти закончила мой проект - алфавит. Нужны еще буквы V, W, X e Z. Буква Х - просто большая проблема. Или я не умею искать, или животных в английском на Х - всего один. Во всяком случае во всех детских алфавитах детки учат рано радиоактивную рыбку Xray. Есть у кого-то более привычная идея для Х, чем эта рыбка?


Making an animal alphabet.

Hi everyone! I love to draw seamless patterns. What is it? It is continuous or uniform in quality; combined in an inconspicuous way pattern. The picture repeats itself and form uniform background. Pattern design are used to make background in website, are used in clothing, wallpaper, fabrics and other print ads as well.
I have hundreds of patterns in my portfolio. You can find fabrics with my artwork in my Spoonflower shop.
This is an example of a seamless pattern:

And this is an example of the fabrics with my patterns:

I really like having tissues designed by me ..

But I decided to take a break and I started a new project. It is the animal alphabet. It is very funny to draw animal characters and I hope that it will be useful for a lot of children :)

I have some cards already and I want to show you my project. I’d love to know what you think about my alphabet. Please let me know in the comments!

Have a nice summer!